Designers aspire to improve the world, revise how we do things, or create new capabilities that everyone else thinks impossible. However, while advanced cutting- edge designs are now more accessible with advanced design and simulation software, access to high quality, scalable manufacturing isn’t – even for 3D printing. 

In our experience, there are clear trends toward specific geometries that generate attractive business cases for new parts. Many of these involve complex internal channels (heat exchangers, rocket nozzles, turbo machinery) or access to a scalable global supply chain.  Both have been weaknesses of the traditional 3D printing infrastructure and have therefore prevented printed parts from reaching the scale that the industry expects.

However, many industry designers have been taking advantage of a new, more scalable contract manufacturing network enabled by Velo3D’s additive manufacturing solution. Combining the most advanced printing technology, an
intelligent print preparation software, and a metrology sensor suite comprised of 1,000 sensors, Velo3D’s systems routinely print parts where other manufacturing solutions struggle. In addition, these printers are identical in terms of calibration and laser parameters.

These standardized parameter sets are backed by third party verification of material properties. This means that whether you print test prints at Velo3D’s R&D center, initial prints on the CM network, or purchase a machine, you get identical aerospace grade quality. What makes this possible is that Velo3D have what is called a universal or “golden” print file which means that an engineer can create a single digital file and deliver that to any Sapphire printer worldwide and print with the same end results. 

The challenges of traditional 3D printing have slowed industry adoption. The lack of geometrical freedom and the absence of a scaled supply chain hinder the ability for designers to trust 3d printing to create their high value parts. With Velo3D’s innovations, this all changes.  By solving the geometric limitations and providing a scalable manufacturing network, designers now have access to unprecedented freedom of design.


Sid Raje

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Raje Headshot


The Future of Laser Additive Manufacturing Technology